“We shall never cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time”. -T. S. Eliot”
See more at:https://sianfrancesking.tumblr.com/
The Louvre Museum - Paris (2016)
Kino International - Berlin (2015)
Bauhaus Archive - Berlin (2014)
The lungs of the Sydney Opera House - Sydney, Australia (2012)
Hermannplatz, Berlin (2016)
Finding the uncanny in the city - Sudkreuz, Berlin (2016)
Abandoned Rooftop - Mysore, India (2017)
Lucky to explore Kunsthaus Tacheles before its closure after 21 years as an artist squat in the middle of the city - Berlin (2013)
Abandoned tuberculosis hospital: Heilstätte Grabowsee - Oranienburg, Berlin (2013)
Bridge in Neukölln - Berlin (2014)
Gobi Manchoori food truck - Mysore, India (2017)